Ryuichi Sakamoto Diagnosed With Cancer

Ryuichi Sakamoto, celebrated Japanese composer, actor, and electronic music pioneer, is diagnosed with rectal cancer. This is the second diagnosis for the composer, after his fight with throat cancer in 2014. 

Sakomoto writes that he “will be living alongside cancer” but hopes to keep making music.

A Long And Hard Battle

In a note posted on his website, Ryuichi Sakamoto detailed his new diagnosis of rectal cancer.

“I was relieved after the throat cancer that I had in 2014 went into remission after six years,” he wrote. “However, unfortunately, I have been diagnosed with cancer again—this time, rectal cancer. The news was disheartening, but thanks to the excellent doctors I met, the surgery I underwent was a success. I am now undergoing treatment”.

Amid the overwhelming hardships that the medical institutions and healthcare workers face during this unprecedented pandemic, the sincerity with which everyone involved cares for their patients is nothing short of admirable. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude.

“Due to these circumstances, traveling long distances for work will be difficult. Still, I will continue to work as much as I can while in treatment. There may be instances where I have to cancel work.”.

Sakamoto continues; “I sincerely apologise for any inconveniences this may cause to those who are involved in ongoing projects. From now on, I will be living alongside cancer.”

“But, I am hoping to make music for a little while longer. Thank you all so much for your continuing support.”

Ryuichi Sakamoto was diagnosed with throat cancer, and took a year off to focus on treatment, in 2014. “I had the most harsh, physically painful time in my life. I almost couldn’t eat, or I almost couldn’t swallow my own saliva,” he said the following year. 

His Works And Contributions

Ryuichi Sakamoto is a former member of the Yellow Magic Orchestra. His work as a solo artist and band member has influenced a number of electronic music genres. His track ‘Behind the Mask’, a synth-pop number has been covered by a number of artists, including Michael Jackson and Eric Clapton.

He starred alongside David Bowie in the 1983 film Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence and composed its famous theme tune. His latest album was  2017’s “async”, which has been followed by a number of reissues from the orchestra’s back catalogue. In 2019, the composer scored Black Mirror episode ‘Smithereens’.

Ryuichi Sakamoto has won Oscar, Golden Globe and Grammy awards for scoring Bernardo Bertolucci’s 1987 film ‘The Last Emperor’.

By: Anjana Sathyanarayan
