Selena Gomez is Proud of ‘Spring Breakers’ Despite Its Unique Style

In a recent discussion, Selena Gomez delved into her past and present projects, shedding light on how her close circle of advisors has played a crucial role in shaping her career trajectory, including her involvement in the film ‘Spring Breakers’

The multi-talented actress and singer expressed her gratitude for having individuals with impeccable taste around her, who have provided valuable guidance and opportunities for her personal and professional development. She highlighted the role of her mother, Mandy Teefey in facilitating her participation in the acclaimed A24 production.

Also Read: Selena Gomez Reflects on The Stress of Touring: “It’s Very Draining for Me”

Selena Gomez Spring Breakers
Image Courtesy: People

Gomez emphasised her pride in projects like ‘Spring Breakers’, despite their unconventional nature, showcasing her willingness to explore diverse roles and challenge herself artistically. The film, directed by Harmony Korine, featured Gomez alongside Ashley Benson, Vanessa Hudgens, and Rachel Korine, portraying college friends embarking on a wild spring break adventure that takes unexpected turns.

Reflecting on her journey with ‘Spring Breakers’, Gomez recalled her initial reservations and the support she received from her mother, who admired Korine’s work and encouraged Gomez’s involvement in the film. She acknowledged the potential scrutiny that comes with unconventional roles but embraced the experience as a learning opportunity and a step towards artistic growth.

Selena Gomez Spring Breakers
Image Courtesy: People

Looking forward, Gomez shared insights into her recent project ‘Emilia Pérez’, praising her co-stars Zoe Saldaña, Édgar Ramírez, and Karla Sofía Gascón, as well as director Jacques Audiard. She described the privilege of collaborating with such talented individuals and expressed her aspirations for continuous growth as an actor.

As ‘Emilia Pérez’ garnered critical acclaim, including the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, Gomez expressed gratitude for the opportunities she has had in the film and television industry. Acting, she affirmed, remains her passion and a vital outlet for creative expression, signalling her eagerness for future opportunities while acknowledging the unpredictable nature of the entertainment industry.

-Sushmita Sarkar
