US Motion Picture Industry Faces Rising Copyright Infringement Challenges

The entertainment industry thrives on the exchange of ideas and the use of various expressive means to influence people’s emotions. It aims to make media consumers happier by diverting their attention from their daily worries and problems. The primary goal of the entertainment industry is to provide emotional release and support. However, those involved in this industry also understand the financial value of unique ideas and work diligently to protect their intellectual property.

In the mid-20th century, Hollywood faced numerous copyright challenges, particularly when filmmakers needed to use characters previously played by famous actors. Notable actors like Charlie Chaplin and James M. Cain were involved in several copyright infringement cases. The recurring issues related to the use of plots and characters prompted US courts to develop new practices to distinguish between original characters and their look-alikes, ensuring better protection of intellectual property.

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Motion Picture Copyright Infringement
Image Courtesy: leaders

One notable case involved the film studio Universal Pictures, which believed that the movie ‘Great White’ was strikingly similar to their earlier release, ‘Jaws.’ Although their initial claim was not satisfied, the studio persisted. After reviewing the plots and visual expressions of both films, a California court found numerous similarities, particularly in genre and character portrayal.

As a result, Universal Pictures succeeded in preventing the distribution of ‘Great White’ in the United States, showcasing the importance of vigilant copyright enforcement.

Copyright infringement cases in the US motion picture industry vary widely in terms of goals and intentions. Some claimants genuinely feel that their ideas have been misappropriated by other producers, scriptwriters, or actors. For these individuals, the opportunity to sue under US copyright law provides a vital means to minimise financial losses and deter future infringements.

Motion Picture Copyright Infringement
Image Courtesy: Copyright Clearance

On the flip side, some claimants use copyright infringement allegations to pursue personal goals and achieve success. In some instances, individuals who have not attained fame as scriptwriters or directors leverage copyright scandals to gain attention and promote their new projects. These cases highlight the complex motivations behind copyright claims in the entertainment industry.

Ultimately, copyright infringement remains a significant issue in the US motion picture industry. It underscores the need for robust legal frameworks to protect intellectual property while also illustrating the diverse motivations that drive individuals to file these claims. The ongoing battle to safeguard creative works is crucial for maintaining integrity and innovation within the entertainment industry.

-Sushmita Sarkar
